Breaking Form: a Poetry and Culture Podcast


Aaron Smith and James Allen Hall Season 1 Episode 152

Spill all the tea but spill it slant with the Breaking Form queens in this episode dedicated to the art of secrets.

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Buy our books:
     Aaron's STOP LYING is available from the Pitt Poetry Series.
     James's ROMANTIC COMEDY is available from Four Way Books.


Madonna's "Secret" was the lead single off of her sixth album, Bedtime Stories. Watch the video here.

 Read Sharon Olds's "Killing My Sister's Fish"

Len Roberts's "The Problem" appeared in APR March/April 2001 and can also be found in The Silent Singer.

Julia Kasdorf's "Eve's Curse" appears in her book Eve's Striptease. You can watch her give a reading (from As Is) here.

 Read Emily Dickinson's 260. And check out her handwritten copy here. Dickinson published TEN poems and a letter in her lifetime. 

Aaron reads the July 17, 1996 entry from Letters to Wendy's and you can read the text of that here.

Read CP Cavafy's "The Afternoon Sun" (trans. Edmund Keeley). Cavafy's complete literary corpus includes the 154 poems that constitute his poetic canon; his 75 unpublished or "hidden" poems, that were found completed in his archive or in the hands of friends, and weren't published until 1968; his 37 rejected poems, which he published but later renounced; his 30 incomplete poems that were found unfinished in his archive; as well as numerous other prose poems, essays, and letters.[16] According to the poet's instructions, his poems are classified into three categories: historical, philosophical, and hedonistic or sensual.[10]

Here's W.H. Auden's "If I Could Tell You" & you can hear him read it.

Read Laura Kasischke's "Bike Ride with Older Boys" (from her book Dance and Disappear).

Check out Cathy Linh Che's "The German word for dream is trauma."