Breaking Form: a Poetry and Culture Podcast

Make Myself a Myth (guest Jericho Brown on Reginald Shepherd)

Aaron Smith and James Allen Hall Season 1 Episode 139

If you'd like to support Breaking Form:
Review the show on Apple Podcasts here.
Buy our books:
     Aaron's STOP LYING is available from the Pitt Poetry Series.
     James's ROMANTIC COMEDY is available from Four Way Books.

You can purchase The Selected Shepherd edited by Jericho Brown directly from the press at:

Check out Jericho Brown's website. Read the title poem from his Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Tradition here.

Reginald Shepherd's blog can be found online here. The specific posts on the AWP Panel "Gay Male Poetry: Post Identity Politics?" Can be found here:
    Part 1
    Part 2
Shepherd also wrote a post for Harriet, the blog for the Poetry Foundation, as he was getting ready to deliver the panel. You can read that post here.

Robert Philen's remarks about Reginald Shepherd's memoir were delivered at the annual meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society in 2013. You can read them here.

In the show, Jericho references Frank O'Hara being gay/putting phallic things around his mouth. You can read O'Hara's poem "Homosexuality" here.

Richard Hugo's book of essays The Triggering Town was published in 1979 and reissued in 2010. You can read an essay from the book about "the triggering subject" here.

Read Reginald Shepherd's poem "Syntax."

Watch Shepherd read his poems at Berry College here. (~1 hour.) Poems include "Difficult Music," "White Sargasso Sea," "Slaves," "The Friend," "Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair," "Unused," "Tantalus in May," "Maritime," and "The Gods at 3am" (at the 30:55 min mark).